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Forestry and farming machinery

Forestry and farming machinery
We provide you:

Leasing of equipment, filling out up to 3 days

Provide the service of our equipment at any time with departure throughout the Republic of Belarus, as well as in the production department

We deliver equipment around Belarus. Help in setting up and unitizing

Equipment on lease

Delivery and customization
Manufacturing of TIGER forest semi-trailers
Sale and service of logging equipment
Timber transportation throughout the Republic of Belarus
Sawmilling in any volume with delivery
Logging on your and our forest plots
Spare parts for logging equipment
Main office:
Minsk city,
Kozlova alleyway, b. 25
office 17
UNN 80002627
Продажа и сервис лесозаготовительной техники
Лесозаготовки и лесопиление в любом объёме
Лесоперевозки по всей Республике Беларусь