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Equipment scrappage

Information about the reception of self-propelled vehicles and (or) trailers to them that have lost their usability at receiving centres
Lineup of equipment accepted for recycling:

Mobile chipper"TIGER-MSA", model 35-K06

Mobile chipper"TIGER-MSA", model 55-K06
The address of the receiving centre::
Minsk region, Logoisk, Minskaya str., 20

Responsible person:
Head of the shop Petrovich Viktor Ivanovich

Opening hours:
working days (Mon - Fr) from 8.00. to 16.30,
lunch from 12.00 to 12.30.

Contact phone numbers:
city + 375 17 74 28 331 , mob. + 375 44 530 56 21
Manufacturing of TIGER forest semi-trailers
Sale and service of logging equipment
Timber transportation throughout the Republic of Belarus
Sawmilling in any volume with delivery
Logging on your and our forest plots
Spare parts for logging equipment
Main office:
Minsk city,
Kozlova alleyway, b. 25
office 17
UNN 80002627
Продажа и сервис лесозаготовительной техники
Лесозаготовки и лесопиление в любом объёме
Лесоперевозки по всей Республике Беларусь
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